Canadian Club of Norway Winter Festival

After the success of last year's Opening Ceremonies for the Vancouver Olympics at the Official Residence, we created a similar event that we hope we can continue annually. The Winter Festival/Pancake Breakfast will be held on March 5th at the Official Residence.

Due to the nature of the event, we need a registration lists for all those that will attend. We also need help during the day so we are calling for volunteers to help us out.

DATE: March 5th, 2010
TIME: 10:00 - 14:00, Breakfast servered from 10:00 - 11:00.
PLACE: Official Residence of the Ambassador, Bygdøynesveien 15, Oslo
DEADLINE:February 26th.

Outdoor activities include skating, cross country skiing, and tobogganing. Please bring the suitable equipment for your family.

Volunteers are required for cooking, serving, clean-up and organizing outdoor events.

Sign-up has now past. Over 90 people are planning to attend.