Hallowe'en 2009
Our 2009 Hallowe'en party was held on Sunday, November 1, as usual at Disen gård in Oslo. For the feature attraction we brought back Davido, who delighted us with an amusing and amazing magic show. As always, there were plenty of games and activities for the kids, including mummy wrap, hanging donuts, pumpkin bowling, and the ever-popular scarecrow-building game.
For doing a wonderful job of organizing the games, special thanks to Turi Hordern-Larsen, who was ably assisted by her husband Janus along with Marissa LeBlanc and her husband Rasmus. Thanks also to Glenn Martin and Bruce Boyd for pitching in, and not least to Jay Gustafson, who once again did a great job with the food.
Photos below by Glenn Martin. If you’d like to see more photos from the party, there are some truly excellent shots by Are Barstad posted on our
